Admiral 5F Schematic

Admiral 5F

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The intermediate frequency a.F.) stage should be aligned properly as the first step. After the I.F. trandarmers have been properly adjusted and peaked, the Broadcast Band alignment should be the next procedure

Adjust the test oscillator to 456 KC and connect the output to the grid of the first detector tube (6A7) through a.05 or.1 mld. condenser. The ground a the test oscillator can be connected to the chassis ground. Aliga all three IF. trimmers to peak or maximum reading on the output motor.

Adjust the oscillator to 1730 KC and connect the output to the antenna load through a.0002 mfd. mica condenser. Set the gang condenser to minimum capacity and adjust the gang condenser trimmer (oscillator) to receive this signal. After this has been carefully done, the next step is to set the generator to 1400 KC and after tuning in the signal adjust the antenna trimmer to peak. This is all that do necessary for the alignment unless the plates of the gang condenser have been bent out of shape. In case of bent plates, set the test oscillator and the receiver to 600 KC and bend the plates into the position for maximum output.