Atwater Kent 20, #7960 Schematic

Atwater Kent 20, #7960

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Product Information:
Model:20, #7960
Manufacturer:Atwater Kent

Schematic Pages

PNG: Page 1 Rider Manual Volume 3

Schematics Content

Page 1:

Atwater Kent Mfg. Co

Model 20


Detector phone .002 mfd #8241 500 volts
Detector grid .00025 mfd #8112 500 volts
Plate bypass .3 mfd #14902 450 volts


Grid suppressors 600 ohms #4949 wire wound
Detector grid leak 2.0 megs #15892 1 watt Green
Detector bias 450 ohms #8190 tapped 180-270 ohms
A-f filament 1.0 ohms #8303 brown covered
Detector rheostat 20. ohms #8310
R-f rheostat 10. ohms #4690


1st a-f primary 1000 ohms #8060
1st a-f secondary 8000 ohms
2nd a-f primary 1700 ohms #7661
2nd a-f secondary 3250 ohms

The detector grid bias resistor is adjacent to the detector socket. It is a flat resistor. The plate bypass condenser is adjacent to the 2nd r-f socket. The phone condenser is located between the detector and 1st a-f sockets.