Cavalcade Radio Co. 3511 Schematic

Cavalcade Radio Co. 3511

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Product Information:
Manufacturer:Cavalcade Radio Co.

Schematic Pages

PNG: Page 1 Rider Manual Volume 6
PNG: Page 2 Rider Manual Volume 6

Schematics Content

Page 1:


MODEL 3511
Socket, Trimmers

Page 2:


MODEL 3511 Alignent Data


The alignment of this receiver requires the use of a test oscillator that will cover the frequencies of 456, 600, 1400,3000 and 10,000 K.C. and an output meter to be con nec ted across the speaker terminals,

If possible all alignment should be made with the volume control on maximum and the test oscillator output as loT as possible, to prevent the AVC from operating and giving false readings.

1.F. ALIGNMENT Ad Just the test oscillator to 1400 K.C. and connect the output to the antenna wire through a.0001 mmf. mica condenser to give the equivalent of an antenna a bout 60 feet. Set the receiver pointer to 1400 K.C. and adjust the rear gang condenser trimmer to peak. This adjusts the receiver on scale. Then ad just the front or R.F. trimer to peak.

Next test tho dial pointer on the receiver and test oscillator to 600 K.C. Slowly in crease or decrease the oscillator padding cadensor, and at the same time continuously tuning back and forth across the signal with the receiver until the maximum reading is obtained on the output meter. This adjustment seems a little complicated but is the easiest way to adjust the oscillator to the R.F. section. The padding condenser is located on the left hand and of the chassis,

Return to 1400 K.C. and again go over the adjustment at that frequency to be sure they have not been throw out of adjustment.


The foreign band 19 to 49 meters can be adjusted by the two trimmers on the short wave coil located next to the gang condenser. Set the test oscillator to 10 megacycles Or 31 meters.

The police and aviation band can be adjusted from a signal set at 3,000 K.C.'or 300 on the dial. The oscillator trimmer is located underneath the chassis and the R.F. trimmer 18 between the 6A7 tube and the wave change stitch.

The gang ccadonsor trimmers aro not to be used for alignment or either of the short wave bands.


vibrator noise may be due to the following: a discharged " A " battery, high resistance connections on battery terminals, a defective vibrator or a loca e cover on the vibrator can.

The vibrator unit 18 a plug-in type and can be removed for replacement very easily. This unit should last a very long time as current through the contact points is very small.

Never leave the power switch turned on when the " A " battery is too low to make the re ceiver function as this is llable to seriously injure the vibrator or vibrator trans former. Never remove any of the tubes when the power switch 18 turned on as they are connected in a series parallel circuit.

The two volt type of tubes used in this receiver are ordinarily more microphonic than heater typos. They can be detected by touching each tube with the fingertips. Another source might be caused by the dial glass touching the front or escutcheon plate.

This trouble may be caused by weak or defective tubos (replace with set of tubes knom to be in good condition); antenna disconnected from the receiver: open antenna coil or open or shorted by-pass condensers. Some localities remote from broadcasting stations may require an extra long antenna of about two hundred feet.

Low voltage may be caused by a low battery, a defective vibrator, corroded battery terminal or shorted by-pass condensers. Increasing the length of battery leads might cause low voltage and vibrator noise.