Interstate Home Equipment Co. 68F Schematic

Interstate Home Equipment Co. 68F

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Product Information:
Manufacturer:Interstate Home Equipment Co.

Schematic Pages

PNG: Page 1 Rider Manual Volume 18

Schematics Content

Page 1:

Alignment Frequencies:
I.F. 455 K.C.
R.F. 1500 K.C.

I. F. Alignment
Connect an output meter across the voice coil. Rotate the volume to maximum. Set test oscillator to 455 K.C. and apply signal to lug on stator of gang condenser to which loop is connected through a.05 Mfd. capacitor. Align the second I.F. transformer trimmers, next adjust the first 1, F. transformer trimmers. Keep test oscillator output as low as a readable meter reading will permit.

R. F. Alignment
Set the dial pointer and generator at 1500 K.C. Run wire from the output terminal of the generator, having it come near the receiver. However, no metallic connection is made between the signal generator and the receiver.

Peak the oscillator trimmer for maximum output and then the antenna trimmer,

If the variable condenser plates have become bent or damaged, it may be necessary to adjust them for tracking, at 600 K.C. The oscillator plates are adjusted first, then the antenna plates are adjusted for maximum output at 600 K.C.

This radio is a compact, table model phono-radio superheterodyne receiver using six tubes and operates from an A.C. source of power. This receiver tunes the broadcast band'of frequencies, covering the range of 540.1720 kilocycles.